Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Baby Torri

This baby Torres Straight pigeon (also called Pied imperial pigeon or Torresian imperial pigeon - or affectionately a "Torri") fell out of its nest after a storm. Unfortunately like most pigeons, torris make pretty frail nests. What we reccomend when this happens is to put him back in the nest if possible or if the nest is destroyed to make a new nest for the parents out of an old ice cream container with holes in the bottom (to let the rain water out) tied to the tree with cable ties where the old nest was. the parents almost always come back and look after their baby. Their best chance is always in the wild with their own parents. Unfortunately for this one it's finders weren't willing to give it back to its parents so it will now need to be handraised. It is definately an ugly ducking at this age but with time it will grow into a spectacular adult.

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