Saturday, January 15, 2011

xray of the mother blue tounge lizard before the surgery.

The xray of the mum before the caesarian. You can just make out the babies skulls on the xray.

more of the baby blue tongues

These photos were taken about 15 minutes after the caesarian. As you can see they don't look impressed with being born and start life with a bit of an attitude!

Blue tongue caesarian continued

Lots of babies. They start to shed their skin shortly after drying out, which is why they look flakey.

Blue tongue caesarian continued

I had to separate each of the little babies so that they each only ate their own egg yolk.

Blue Tounge Caesarian

These little guys mother came in with a crushed head. She had been run over by a car. Unfortunately she wasn't saveable but I was able to open her up and rescue her 17 babies that were nearly ready to be born. While they are a little prem they took to life with vigor. With in minutes of being untimely plucked from their mother they are madly eating their egg yolk.

I have been slack

Its been some time since I updated the blog. (over a year) Not because we haven't been treating heaps of amazing wildlife - far from it. Just been slack at up dating the blog. I'm just going to add some of the interesting cases from the last year or so. Sorry for the delay.