Saturday, March 28, 2009

Here are three Baby birds that have recently come into the clinic. All are just on fledging and would have been in most cases better off left alone. While they will be cared for a released shortly their best chance is always with their parents. They are a Pheasant coucal, a a white gaped honey eater and a Koel

Wedge tailed eagle

We have had another wedgie handed in. this one has a broken wing which we pinned today. He is quite small as far as wedgies go (the males and the tropical ones are smaller) and quite dark (wedgies get darker as they get older). He will go to the prison for care and rehabilitation shortly and from there be released.

Freshwater crocodile

This freshwater crocodile was found in someones driveway. Unfortunately it is missing its entire top jaw. We don't know what removed it, possibly a dog, a car or another croc. While crocs can and do survive with a substantial amount of their jaws missing - this one is missing too much and would not be able to eat so we had to euthanase it to prevent it from starving to death. Unfortunately not every story has a happy ending.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yellow faced turtle

This little yellow faced turtle was brought to us after a dog chewed on her. She is missing the edges of her shell. they have been chewed off. While this may sound minor it is actually very serious as the shell is bone and a severe life threatening infection is likely.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is a juvenile brown bandicoot who was grabbed by a dog. He has a couple of wounds but should heal ok. Bandicoots are one the many species of animals much rarer now that cane toads have moved into the area. He will be released back into the wild in about 2 weeks. He is about half grown so is big enough to survive without his mum now.